Yesterday I received several packages of my vintage watch parts orders for making Steampunk Jewelry. Even though I was exhausted last night after all the work I did on all three of my blogs, I could not go to sleep without opening all of the packages. I'm so excited! I feel like I had won the bid on the best ever storage unit on "Storage Wars".
Sometimes, when shopping from an online store, you can never really tell if what you're ordering is going to be what you imagine. Not everyone can take good pictures or give a good description. I thought I was spending way too much, esp. for a new endeavor, but I can honestly say, nearly everything I got has been a very pleasant surprise.
Before I can use anything for creating my own jewelry or for passing these supplies onto my fellow Steampunk enthusiasts, most of the items need some thorough cleaning. After all, vintage means old and old means pretty dirty. Even the "new old stock" (NOS), IE. items never used in anything (eg. watch dials/faces), can be dirty. So, please be patient as I get all the pocket and big wrist watch movements disassembled and all the usable parts cleaned. Everything will photograph better and be much more pleasant to work with once cleaned.
OK, time for lunch so I can refuel for the afternoon's work.
Thanks for stopping by, Michelle